Relentless Ascent

Over the edge
Violent terrain
Cool summit

Located in an eminent position for an interesting existence juxtaposed against great environmental adversity, life makes the best of what is available.

“The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time.” – Jack London

Walking in Light

Luminous shine
Radiance uplift
Spiritual path

Art differs from the prevailing world by transforming natural things into an idealized reality. Here a self-illuminated pedestrian overpass located deep inside the Dulles airport terminal complex executes a futuristic environment in accordance with exceptionally conceived possibilities.

“If you go to work on your plan, your plan will go to work on you. Whatever good things we build, end up building us.” – Jim Rohn

Fried Egg

On the wall
Corner attraction
Oval rumination

Contemplative art that adorns a brief lavatory visit cannot fail to excite introspection. What comes first, the idea or the reflection?

“The egg must break open in order for life to emerge. The Earth must be turned and the cloud must burst. You were never meant to stay in your shell.” – Thomas Lloyd Qualls

Touch the Edge

Area definition
Rampart bastion
Encumbrance space

The freedom and experience of a spiritual sky appose the confining local extent of textural geometry.

“In passing through sensible appearances and in some way going behind them, we discover the mystery of things, the secret of the universe.” – Michel Henry

Link Chain

Flexible series
Tensile strength
External restrain

Beyond conventionality, the splendor of the moment emanates to concentrate all attention on abstract thought within subjective experience as an immediate awareness of being.

“You never know when one seemingly unrelated event may become the catalyst that sets off a chain of synchronistic events.” – Andrea Goeglein


Fence line
Serves to circumscribe
Immediate environ

The ecological footprint of a specific population can exceed the locational carrying capacity. In a socio-economic system, property protection includes distinctively created items and possessions that provide a subsistence benefit.

“Opportunity never sneaks up on those who straddle the fence of indecision.” – Napoleon Hill

Confronted by Choice

Transition dependent
Preemptive thought
Delayed after-effect

Even inside an ostensible convenience store, ample product availability can elicit indecision. Potential future regret over any specific immediate purchase action can hinder time limited behavior.

“There are no safe choices. Only other choices.” – Libba Bray

Case in Point

Supposing ends
Objective validity
Progressive arrival

Because human beings can never definitively comprehend the underlying reality of existence, they construct systems of thought and then assume that these match actuality. In this framework, art can function as a means towards an understanding that eludes reason.

“Philosophy is a battle against the bewitchment of our intelligence by means of language.” – Ludwig Wittgenstein

On Board

In concurrence
Among the parts
Minimal interval

From the perspective of a single observer, being crammed into a aircraft fuselage seems to cause time dilation. In such compressed confinement, this durational phenomena has nothing to do with the speed of light.

“Just because you have baggage doesn’t mean you have to lug it around.” – Richie Norton


Grade separation
Order of essences
Intentionally experienced

That all motion is relative to some frame of reference is a universal law of nature reiterated by different level crossing of two highways establishing traffic clearance.

“I am seeking for the bridge which leans from the visible to the invisible through reality.” – Max Beckmann

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