Gates on Main Street

Uniquely regional
Dining area
Saloon annex

Whenever I deliver artwork to the Buttonwood Art Space for a show, I also like to get a barbecue lunch before driving back home. This particular Gates location features an interesting narrow room full of bright windows directly adjacent to an energetic Main Street.

“Our full intention is to shine things up; make things where you’re comfortable.” – Ollie Gates

Waiting Lounge

Spend time
Relaxed manner
Hours on end

The experience of waiting until specific services are rendered is not generally improved by the presence of televisions blaring random channels. Nevertheless, the constrained action of staying where one is can be productive until a particular anticipated future phase.

“Waiting was often a resented gift, imparted to those who accepted it grudgingly in the hopes that something better would come along when the gift was tossed aside, boxed away for the next recipient.” – Gina Marinello-Sweeney

Lobby Space Out

Entrance hall
Corridors lead
More other rooms

Looking in from the outside, an austere vestibule presents an immaculate geometrical introduction.

“There’s no way to cheat a sensualist like me, somebody who can die laughing for hours over the pattern of the carpet in a hotel lobby.” – Anne Rice

Empower Aesthetically

Recurrently modified
Magnetized by myth
Dynamic territory

Becoming aware of environmental potential is an endless process. Things presented sometimes are surprising in the moment, other times much later.

“Don’t think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art.” – Andy Warhol

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