Tidewater Drifter

Spatial limits
Implicatory structure
Possible significance

Taking it is easy on the streets.

“The gaze gets more or less from things according to the way in which it questions them, ranges over or dwells on them.” – Maurice Merleau-Ponty

Rhizomatic Approach

Semiotic chain
Nonlinear network
Power organization

Spreading towards available spaces, a metallic structure seeks its equilibrium.

“Principles of connection and heterogeneity: any point of a rhizome can be connected to anything other, and must be.” – Deleuze and Guattari

Understanding Organizes

Something added
Sensuous manifold
Contingent conquest

Humans construct spatial order.

“When we undertake to found order, we regard it as contingent, if not in things, at least as viewed by the mind: of a thing that we do not judge to be contingent we do not require an explanation.” – Henri Bergson


Foliage circles
Reflective patches
Egress portal

Symmetricality found on the doorstep seeks dissimilarity.

“The constancy of the theme is manifest, however, and the variations only fit it to the diversity of the circumstances.” – Henri Bergson


Grasp existing entities
Exactly determined
Pattern practice

This aesthetic exploration, of a small segment of optical radiation, studies enclosed space.

“Everything that in terms of nature is real or actual is dependent on the other actual realities.” — Edmund Husserl


Confined space
Regulative dimension
Adequate foundation

Fracturing the passing scene into vertical slices, opposing passages operate at right angles.

“To be conscious of something is not simply to be affected by the object in question. On the contrary, the object is only an object for us because of our own meaning-giving contribution.” – Dan Zahavi

Fundamental Validity

Immediately grasped
Evident intuition
Data positions

Experience takes time to develop.

“I must achieve internal consistency.” – Edmund Husserl

Nearness Sense

Platform waiting
Proximity aspect
Stationary speed

Bursting into view and creating a tunnel wind of commotion, the train temporally dominates.

“It is a matter of describing, not of explaining or analyzing.” – Maurice Merleau-Ponty

Across the Sound

Due east
Sunlight scattered
Evening edition

This is the most popular venue for sunset views in Corolla.

“Softly the evening came with the sunset.” – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Psychic Automatism

Dictated by thought
Exempt from concern
Pure state

Imagination alone offers intimation of what exists beyond appearances, removing anxiety over the uncertain.

“I believe in the future resolution of these two states, dream and reality, which are seemingly so contradictory, into a kind of absolute reality, a surreality, if one may so speak.” – André Breton

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