State Fair Floral

Local florist
Arrangement serving
Surrounding area

In a perishable involvement defining certain special social events, cut flower assemblies perform a decorative role. Personaly I more apreciate blossoms in natural context attached to their original vegetation.

“Solitude allows you to be able to arrange your life only around your destiny.” – Sunday Adelaja


Unredeemed items
Equivalent collateral
Uniformity absence

Reputability is always dubious in certain transaction scenarios. Nevertheless, pawnbroking has existed for centuries, with examples operative in ancient Greek and Roman empires. Establishing ostensible value for different used objects is based on predicted resale expectation plus ongoing overhead costs.

“He breathed, with his assistant, the dust of the much-handled merchandise, the imaginable odors of sweat and pride and weeping; and it was an indefinable yet powerful atmosphere, which gave them an intimacy neither desired.” – Edward Lewis Wallant

Ford’s Bar

Dingy dive
Downtown district
Available for sale

Every town has a seedy underside, best observed from a save distance.

“Looks like a fun little place from the outside! Once you walk in though… It is one of the dirtiest, nastiest places I have been.” – Jarrod W.

Hotel Rogers

One of America’s
Better places
To eat and sleep

Historical evidence remains of the once grand and glamorous Campbell’s Hotel Rogers in downtown Idaho Falls. Guests included Herbert Hoover, Lyndon B. Johnson, Ronald Reagan, Bing Crosby, Gary Cooper, and Roy Rogers. Now converted into business offices, the third floor is reportedly haunted.

“Just looking at the little bits of history that I get to see that are still here, I can’t imagine what it looked like in its heyday with all of the glitz and glam and luxury that Idaho Falls had to offer.” – Cherity Woolf


Conceptual idea
Emotional power
Aesthetic dissemination

Pushing against shifting boundaries, pursuant to relativist tendencies selectively recreating certain aspects of reality, the permanent drive for artist renewal leads to metaphysics in all walks of life.

“Everything you can imagine is real.” – Pablo Picasso


Perpendicular attitude
Imperial dynasty
Chinese cuisine

Gastronomy offered as a high art is indicated by prominent green and yellow vertical edifice strips designed to attract attention. Chinese historical power and diaspora engender wide cultural influence.

“More art in your life at this time will help you feel better.” – Fortune Cookie

Superior Linen Supply

Extension business
Timely merchandise
Over a century

Painted a uniform provocative iridescent green, an old building sports a superior sign indicating either purpose or aspiration.

“Mind is superior to body because you cannot have a new body, but you can have a new mind through wisdom!” – Mehmet Murat ildan

Probable Presence

Operation breakthrough
Condition of functioning
Dramatic development

Driving through the inner-city in route to deliver finished artwork to the gallery, from the roadway more artwork is offered for observation and contemplation. Life is an immersive installation.

“A family is where everyone grows up, comes to understand how relationships and friendships work, and how to resolve conflict in a healthy manner.” – Lamar Hunt, Jr.

Junior’s Auto

Mechanic trust
Service perfectly
Any situation

Considering the quantity of services and merchandise proffered, is there any correspondence between branding and actual benefits rendered?

“Screw out the bolts of your life, examine and work on yourself, fix your life again and get going.” – Israelmore Ayivor

McLaughin Bros

Single location
Dual purpose
Since 1880

Bright winter sunshine bounces off a historic architectural facade in downtown Sedalia. Functioning side by side for over a hundred years, the McLaughlin family owned and operated a combined furniture store and funeral home. In the nineteenth century, the makers of furniture often also pursued casket-making.

“I feel there’s a lot of emphasis these days placed on explaining everything in such a fashion that there’s really nothing left for the listener or reader to explore themselves.” – Aaron Turner

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