Keep Clear

Danger notice
Read operations manual
Electrocution hazard

Concentrated warning labels show some evidence of the passage of time.

“I don’t know whether you can look at your past and find, woven like the hidden symbols on a treasure map, the path that will point to your final destination.” – Jodi Picoult


Trading post
Complete home furnishers

Philco was the largest world manufacturer of radio receivers from 1930 until 1950.

“The past speaks to us in a thousand voices, warning and comforting, animating and stirring to action.” – Felix Adler


Direct expression
Essential relation
Mediation event

Graffiti competes with commercial advertising on available urban surfaces.

“The continuity of nature is to be found in events, the atomic properties of nature reside in objects.” – Alfred North Whitehead


Changing result
Involving examination
Event phase

Same day service is offered behind ominous security bars.

“If we try to reverse the phenomenon we would not see the same sequence repeated, but the original sequence played backwards.” – Jan-Kyrre Berg Olsen


Implicit affirmations
Objective world
Entails subjectivity

Potentials have the positive property of launching new perceptive threads.

“The real then becomes what this subjectivity makes real.” – Mikel Dufrenne

Live Garbage

Antecedent map
History destiny
Stand uneasy

Trash pick-up seems to be behind time.

“Our perception of space-time can be thought of in terms of event coordinates relative to our current state of consciousness.” – Wayne Gerard Trotman


Force attracts
Toward mass
Acid rain

Paint erosion streaks are caused by falling condensed atmospheric moisture.

“Civilization is a product of the cerebral cortex.” – Carl Sagan

Step Back

Hand crafted
Old fashioned
Customized choices

Some authentic diners still operate with all expected accoutrements.

“There’s a huge amount of choice in how you’d like your eggs, your coffee, even how toasted you’d like your toast to be!” – Dave Myers


Must express
Contrast function
Of what is

Looking and seeing continue evolving as a necessary function of existence.

“All that is necessary is to represent the contrast of what is, not only with what has been, but also with all that might have been.” – Henri Bergson


Cranial protection
Brand insignia

We have a tendency to romanticize conceptions of history.

“It must be remembered that ordinary thought wavers confusedly between events and objects.” – Alfred North Whitehead

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