Dynamic Interaction

Serene scene
Autumnal foliage
Reflected glass surface

Engage with the world firsthand, rather than relying on secondhand accounts or abstract theories.

“Art is experience expressing itself.” – John Dewey

Stillness and Flux

Rich tapestry
Concepts central
Inextricably intertwined

True reality is not captured by static concepts or fixed categories.

“The static is only a limit-case of the dynamic.” – Henri Bergson

A Rusted Contraption

Human ingenuity
Now writhes
Throes of decay

A monument to the relentless march of entropy as once vibrant colors have faded, replaced by the somber hues of corrosion.

“The wind whispers secrets to the chimes, and they sing songs of the sky.” – Unknown

Time’s Silent Witness

Historical associations
Text to be interpreted
The past invites

Gadamer’s concept of “fusion of horizons” is particularly relevant here. The sundial, as an artifact from a different time and culture, presents a horizon of meaning that is distinct from our own. However, by engaging with the sundial, we can fuse our own horizon of understanding with its horizon, creating a new and enriched understanding of both the sundial and ourselves.

“It is not that we have a short time to live, but that we waste a lot of it.” – Seneca

Continuous Flow

Pulsating moment
Endless stream
Of time

This visual dynamism mirrors the dynamic nature of time itself, the constant flux of impressions and sensations.

“Time is not a homogeneous medium in which events are simply located, but a vital process in which they are engendered.” – Henri Bergson

See Your Movies

Raise cover flap
Natural motion picture
Retro cow

Remnants of a past era carry with them the traces of human activity and intention.

“The face is the very revelation of the Other.” – Emmanuel Levinas

Legendary Master

Size matters not
Energy surrounds us
And binds us

Born in 896 BBY, Yoda served the Jedi Order for centuries, becoming Jedi Grand Master and helping to teach many younglings.

“Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.” – Yoda

The Artist’s Inner World

Control time
Capture fleeting moment
Make it eternal

A stage presented when photography was a new and exciting technology, capturing moments in time and preserving them for posterity.

“Art is the expression of the human spirit in its entirety.” – Benedetto Crocea

The Voice

Tap dance kid
The Jacksons

Assembled American cultural archetypes faded on the exterior of Granny’s Crafts & Antiques store.

“If ya ain’t got it in ya, ya can’t blow it out.” – Louis Armstrong

Colonial Interior

Quaint window
Simple table
Antique utensils

The realm of ultimate meaning and value transcends our immediate sensory experience.

“The everyday is the most important thing. It is the ground of all our experiences, our thoughts, our actions. It is the field in which we must find ourselves and our meaning.” – Karl Jaspers

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