Fruita Paleo Loop

Easy trail
Beautiful scenery
Old dinosaur quarry

The Fruita Paleontological Area is a small, one-half-mile square of bentonite just a few minutes from downtown Fruita.

“This tiny spot between the mighty Colorado River and the soaring uplifts of the McInnis Canyons National Conservation Area preserves a diverse piece of prehistoric life from the Jurassic Period, dating back 150 million years.” – Candace Carnahan

Ancient Street Sign

Still in service
Extra information
Locational indicator

A material testament to longevity.

“While traveling our separated roads through life, we are also either road signs or potholes on the roads of others.”– Eugene J. Martin

International Use

Sign bolt
Estic and
The qerh

Along the passage of time, a sign develops new meaning.

“Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving.” – Terry Pratchett

Devouring Time

Part abide
Dangled still
Lost but once

Geometrically marking the indefinite continued progress of existence.

“Punctuality is the thief of time.” – Oscar Wilde

Old Store

Entryway detail
Expressive flair
Design remains

There is satisfaction in finding abandoned and ignored art in unlikely locations.

“He who is not satisfied with a little is satisfied with nothing.” – Epicurus

All Original

1920’s Texaco
Stained glass
Gas pump globe

Extremely rare and only $3,500.00.

“You can trust your car to the man who wears the star.” – Roy Eaton

Time Extension

Diversely positioned
Staggered intervals
Enter into latency

Surface solidarity is vested in an abandoned vehicular object allowed to maturate.

“It is evident therefore that color harmony must rest ultimately on purposive playing upon the human soul.” – Wassily Kandinsky

Permanent Reunion

Energetical alignment
Occasion celebration

Fulfilling roles established by society.

“Every parting gives a foretaste of death, every reunion a hint of the resurrection.” – Arthur Schopenhauer


Time function
Entropy factors
Abstract framework

Time is sometimes visibly imprinted on infrastructure objects.

“Time then is simply a label attached to each state configuration, and the passage of time represents the changing state of an interacting system.” – Mark John Fernee

Floor Remnants

Rebar rock
Shadow texture
Color evidence

Sometimes all that is left remains uniquely interesting.

“There is more to life than simply increasing its speed.” – Mahatma Gandhi

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