Tunnel Velocity
Private concern
Necessary meditations
Grow originally

Maintain speed in the tunnel.
“The night is a tunnel … a hole into tomorrow.” – Frank Herbert
Private concern
Necessary meditations
Grow originally
Maintain speed in the tunnel.
“The night is a tunnel … a hole into tomorrow.” – Frank Herbert
Objects properly seen
Close to the center
Field of view
The relativity of speed and distance becomes more apparent in a tunnel.
“It seems like we can’t experience reality no matter how hard we try. Because illusion is always waiting at the end of the tunnel.” – Mwanandeke Kindembo
Moving fast
Under the harbor
Confined space
Every tunnel opportunity offers visual interest and contemplation stimulus.
“But then I remembered: the universe was closed, and so very small. There was really nowhere else to go.” – Peter Watts
Relocation postulate
Exit portal
A long four-lane road installation consisting of of bridges, trestles, man-made islands, and tunnels traverse the main shipping channel of Hampton Roads harbor.
“Stress makes us prone to tunnel vision, less likely to take in the information we need.” – Noreena Hertz
High speed
Vehicular road traffic
Pass through
In addition to obstacle peregrination, the process of tunneling enables an assorted range of physical phenomena in three dimensions, including radioactive decay, semiconductor and superconductor behavior, and surface material scanning at the atomic level.
“Enlightenment is like quantum tunneling – when everyone sees walls and barriers, enlightened one sees infinite possibilities.” – Amit Ray
Restricted space
Carrying capacity
Immediately available
Empirical consciousness arises merely in time as a function of the succession of presentations. Pure self-consciousness is an act lying outside of time, by which time itself is made manifest.
“Knowledge about life is one thing; effective occupation of a place in life, with its dynamic currents passing through your being, is another.” – William James