Mountain Top Vista

Tranquil view
Solace sanctuary
Feel to truly appreciate

Early morning light illuminates some of the mountains encircling the ‘Gateway to the Northwest’. Mountains seem eternally to answer an aesthetic imaginative need, challenging complacent convictions.

“We are now in the mountains and they are in us, kindling enthusiasm, making every nerve quiver, filling every pore and cell of us.” – John Muir

Midway Geyser Basin

Productive hot spring
Runoff discharge
Firehole river

In the first federally funded government research survey ever conducted in North American, the prominent trailblazer and geologist Dr. Ferdinand V. Hayden led an expedition specifically to explore the Yellowstone geothermal area. Although primarily a scientific and economic campaign, the artist Thomas Moran was significantly a consequential member on the mission. Hayden believed in the power of the visual illustrative image to augment any written-word descriptive passage.

“The results of this season’s exploration attracted the widest interest, and Congress readily complied with Dr. Hayden’s recommendation that the region he had last explored be set apart as a National Park.” – Charles A. White

Madison River

Headwater tributary
Large chalk stream
Morning vibe

The first official photographic stop of the Yellowstone adventure, at a river happening where we all climbed out of the vintage Bombardier Snowbus and blinked in winter wonderment at the dawning scenic splendor.

“You’re effort will be worth the cold.” – Forrest Fenn

View from Campus

Points of interest
Rugged landscape
Scenic resources

The Rocky Mountains are a prevalent feature always punctuating the lower Portneuf River Valley. Being on a picturesque campus accentuates the intellectual environment.

“Being in the mountains is good for the soul.” – Outside Magazine

Crystal Summit

Passing storm
Radiant light
Silver patterns

Passing through the mountains of southeast Idaho, rare atmospheric beauty transpires. The opportunity to witness this fast moving and awe inspiring event was at its best at this momentary juncture. Such organized storms only fleetingly exist and then disperse, deepening the magnificence of the miracle.

“I wondered about the science of storms and how sometimes it seemed that a storm wanted to break the world and how the world refused to break.” – Benjamin Alire Sáenz


Soft soothing day
Mist drizzle accord
Melancholy impression

Lake Cena on a saturated gray day in the middle of an enveloping weather event of delicate temperament.

“Lake Cena was once loaded with boaters and swimmers, and the spring house was popular for its drinkable mineral water.” – Matt Bird-Meyer

Old Faithful

Natural feature
Majestic landmark
Lengthening intervals

The verticle height of the Old Faithful geyser historically varies from between 100 to 180 feet, with an average around 135 feet. Eruptions normally last between 1.5 to 5 minutes. Prediction of interval between eruptions is dependent upon the duration of the previous discharge. During a gusher, the steam vapor temperature rises above 350°F, while the water temperature at the vent reaches 204°F.

“Life leaps like a geyser for those willing to drill through the rock of inertia.” – Alexis Carrel

Spring Ridge Lake

Seclude selectively
Domain of privacy
Limited access

I pass-by this appealing small delicate lake on my daily walk. Adjacent signs along the road warn that the lake is restricted, with use allowed only for residents. The capacity of an individual or group to insulate themselves from unsanctioned invasion is a fundamental justification of the state. Although the boundaries and substance of what is considered private may differ among individuals and cultures, the desire for protection seems to be a common theme of social organization.

“Psychobabble attempts to redefine the entire English language just to make a correct statement incorrect.” – Criss Jami

Physical Landscape

Vitalist aspect
Unity experience
Subjectivist paradigm

The landscape is a lucid relationship of nature and culture as a visual expression of the continuum of time. While the soil and stone that substantiate a panorama may be ancient, the conspicuous vegetation has only recently emerged.

“The mind swells out to fill the entire landscape, becoming so diffuse in the process that one loses the ability to keep it fastened to the physical self.” – Haruki Murakami

Wink of an Eye

Fleeting moment
Passing landscape
Temporal boundaries

Abandoned structures that persist, long after their usefulness has expired, stimulate reflection. The unknown shapes existence, as time and being are both inescapable and mysterious.

“Being and time determine each other reciprocally, but in such a manner that neither can the former – Being – be addressed as something temporal nor can the latter – time – be addressed as a being.” – Martin Heidegger

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