
Sand drift
Dune grass
Physics interaction

Jockey’s Ridge State Park includes the tallest active sand dune system in the eastern United States.

“The senses are the beginning of knowledge. For the soul knows nothing naturally except through the senses.” – Thomas Aquinas

Still Scene

Tall grass marsh
Inlet trees
At sunset

The image can be seen as a representation of our own consciousness, as a metaphor for the thoughts and experiences that fill our minds.

“I like to think of the universe as a giant joke.” – Richard Brautigan

Individual Interaction

Cerulean sky
Tall grass water’s edge
Interpretation canvas

The interplay of light and shadow across the scene further underscores the subjective nature of our experience.

“The object is nothing but the appearance of the subject.” – Benedetto Croce


Processual reality
Dynamic patterns
Vibrant tapestry

The culmination of countless processes of geological transformation are revealed in relentless wind and water sculpting.

“The ultimate notion in terms of which experience is to be interpreted is that of process.” – Alfred North Whitehead

Currituck Banks Coastal Estuarine Reserve

Barrier spit
Natural shoaling
Brackish marsh

Water levels shift with the wind, direction and intensity are major forces affecting the water levels of Currituck Sound, as opposed to the lunar tides.

“This is a beautiful place to watch the sunset over the water with a nice area to sit and take in the view.” – Andrew Ruetz

Immolating Sky

Stark pine
Study in absence
Haunting echo

The sunset is not a window onto the world, but a screen, a surface upon which our own desires and anxieties are projected.

“The disappearance of the real is not the end, but the beginning… It is the opening onto a new kind of experience, an experience of the virtual, of the simulacral.” – Jean Baudrillard

Fiery Hues

Still lake
Surface mirror
Autumn foliage

The tranquility of the lake, its stillness a testament to the eternal, is juxtaposed with the vibrant, transient beauty of the leaves.

“The highest and most terrible paradox of existence is that actuality comes only through potentiality… the highest paradox… is that to live is to die.” – Søren Kierkegaard

Sand Shifting

Remaining grounded
In accordance
Natural forces

The beach is a place where we can experience the flux of life firsthand.

“Man is a being whose life is determined by the constant flux of time. This flux is not simply a matter of change, but of change itself. It is the very essence of life, and it is what makes life possible.” – Hannah Arendt

Shared Awareness

Perception condition
Enmeshed in
Radiant presence

We actively interpret and construct our experience.

“Perception is not the act of a subject facing an object, but rather a reciprocal interaction between the two.” – Maurice Merleau-Ponty

Mediated by Senses

Actively engage
Intentional experience
Particular perspective

The essence of the image is the way that it evokes a sense of peace, tranquility, awe, and wonder.

“The essential structure of consciousness is intentionality.” – Edmund Husserl

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