Empirical Validation

Continuous contact
Conceptual scheme
Presuppose experience

Most concepts meaningfully applied can be constructed out of given immediate experience.

“We have no right to assume that any physical laws exist, or if they have existed up until now, that they will continue to exist in a similar manner in the future.” – Max Planck


Glance silence
Tangible memories
Larger whole

Beginning to see more aesthetic opportunities while walking through the swamp.

“Photography is like exploring a new dimension, only I can go there but I can show you where I’ve been.” – Destin Sparks

Grow Out

Itself among selves
Outside that being
Dawns world round

The morning becomes more defined at the south end of Ocean Lake.

“And everything within is wrapped in its own darkness. It must emerge to see itself; to see what
it is, and what lies about it.”
– Ernst Bloch

On Memories

Things contained
Hauntingly real
Engraved indelibly

The past remains only as a memory and a few cryptic clues.

“I don’t want to repeat my innocence. I want the pleasure of losing it again.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald

Energy Surrounds

Unclaimed moment
Muted marginal
Damp edges

Dagobah is pretty close by.

“Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.” – Yoda

Mountain Stream

Flowing down
Steep gradient
Swift flow rate

Climbing east out of Grand Valley the vegetation and scenery rapidly transform.

“Colorado’s Grand Mesa Scenic Byway leads through old-growth forests, aspens, meadows and so many lakes you’ll lose track. That’s Grand Mesa in a nutshell.” – Staff Writer

Vertical Immanence

Relational perspective
Geologic forces
Material progress

Wonderment advances to greater heights.

“I went into geology because I like being outdoors, and because everybody in geology seemed, well, they all seemed like free spirits or renegades or something. You know, climbing mountains and hiking deserts and stuff.” – Kathy B. Steele

Perspective Variations

Relations with
Accidental feature
Not as being of it

Light and shadow relationships dramatically change the appearance of the rugged western slope.

“These are no truer than any other, but since this distance and this aspect are both typical, and evolved with the help of our body, which is an ever-present guide for this purpose, we can always recognize them, and so they themselves provide us with a standard for fixing and distinguishing between fleeting appearances.” – Maurice Merleau-Ponty


Dawn song
Musing aubade
Chordal approach

Being in the moment is often intensified by external stimulation.

“If you don’t know what you value in life, then you won’t be able to make any meaningful decisions you can live with in the future.” – Shannon L. Alder

Familiar Travels

Distant relationship
Genuine connection
Aesthetic adventure

Sometimes going back is successfully satisfying.

“The prairies are nothing but grass as the sea is nothing but water.” – William Least Heat-Moon

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